This week in science we worked on our Plant investigation with our groups. We measured our plants and saw how they grew over a matter of time with 2 cups in the dark and 1 in the sunlight. This week we also got in our groups and did a mission, where you had to go around to everyone and ask them what kind of pets they got. We then gathered the information and made a bar graph, line graph and a pie chart based on the data we got from everyone.
This week in science I learned that even if some plants don't get sunlight they could grow because they still get water so they could still grow. This week I also learned more about the independent and dependent variables for our plant investigation. Then I learned about how the hypothesis has to be (if, then, because).
I specifically like the picture of the flowers because it relates to the blog that you published. In the blog you talk about plant investigations were as the plants bloom into flowers.