This week in science what we did was go around the room writing what we know about ecosystems, photosynthesis, water cycle and more. We also went to the park to get sticks and leaves and stuff for the spider habitat. We took pictures of things that we thought was important to the park then we looked around. We dug in the dirt for worms and other insects so we could put it in our spider habitat. Then after that we fixed up our habitat. The pictures i took at the park i used them to put it on our document, i then wrote the name of the picture, who the photographer was, what day it was taken and a little bit about the picture (what was in it and how its important to the park.)
This week in science i learned that the water cycle has more than 2 cycles. I also learned what photosynthesis was and what the carbon cycle was. Somethings i learned when i went to the park was that theres a lot of worms and other bugs all the way at the bottom of the dirt. Also that there's a lot of flowers and sticks etc. Also when i was there i saw that there was a lot of squirrels and pigeons to make the park look more better and fun to be.